Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Chuck vs. the Gravitron": Where Can I Get an iPod Compatible Nerd Herder?

Can the geniuses behind Chuck please come out and take a bow? The writers behind the best show on tv appear to be able to do no wrong. (*knock on wood*) Chuck is the one show on television that I can consistently count on to provide me with entertainment from all angles. I mean every single angle—it’s like I’m walking around in that fun house of mirrors and in every single mirror the tv show doesn’t fail to entertain me. Whether we are watching Lester twitch at the idea of a real turkey for Thanksgiving, Ellie obsessively cleaning in preparation for the “Very Awesomes” to arrive, or watching Sarah’s never failing, heart wrenching looks at Chuck. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Spoilers after I watch the very familiar Ferris wheel scene from The OC.

I don’t think I can actually describe my conflicted emotions throughout the entire episode last night. Yes, the little voice in the back of my head was saying the whole time that Jill was evil, but from her shooting “Leader” to the lie detector test, my heart just kept jumping in and out of my shirt. Her speech in the fun house of mirrors really had me going there for a minute. Especially after choosing not to shoot Chuck on the Ferris wheel (note the cheesy, yet awesome line “you broke my heart, do you have to shoot it too?”). But then, in that moment when she asked Chuck to let her out of the chair so she could kiss him I knew she was an evil, conniving, Fulcrum agent with her own self interest at heart. Sure, it’s possible that she got in too deep and didn’t know what she was doing anymore, but in my book Jill is a betrayer and always will be. Maybe it’s the Chuck+Sarah support talking, but I am so glad Jill is out of the picture…for now.

And the path to getting Jill out of the picture. You know how people say that when you break up and see an ex there is a clear winner and a clear loser? Well, even though Chuck still works at a Buy More and isn’t exactly where he wanted to be in life at this point (shown clearly by Chuck vs. the Ex), by the end of this episode Chuck is the winner. Chuck wins with flying colors. Not only did he get revenge on backstabbing, betraying Jill, but he did it in the geekiest most Chuck way possible. He used his inner nerd to it’s fullest while getting some of that Chuck charm in there that we have come to know and love. And what made the moment great was while Sarah’s explanation of how Jill would catch Chuck at his most vulnerable moment was exactly how Jill got Chuck’s false trust twice in the episode, it was also the exact method Chuck used to trick Jill at the end. Classic.

Now aside from the great Chuck/Jill arc that closed off this week, the action and comedy of the episode were in full swing as well. I think that the carnival scene is one of the best action sequences Chuck has done thus far. From the scene in the Gravitron (which I refuse to ever go on) with Chuck and “the Leader’s” fight while trying to move around the walls, to the suspense of the scene in the fun house, every scene was done beautifully and artistically. Then there’s Chuck’s seemingly genius use of the Castle’s instruction manual to get them out their sticky situation. That boy knows his way around a computer, and clearly not just the one stuck inside of his head. I am constantly impressed by the ways the writers are making Chuck more and more competent as a spy while keeping his dork in check. Like Chuck said last week, “The running, jumping, shooting people part of the job, that’s all you guys. But the puzzles, that’s all me.” I think he can add instruction manual reading talent and computer expertise to his list of skills that come in handy while on the job.

And let’s not forget our Buy More friends, most notably speedy and loyal boss, Big Mike. His running scenes never fail to make me crack up…especially while wearing a fantastic fishing outfit. The tie-in of Big Mike believing Casey was protecting the Buy More could not have been done any better. In addition, Ellie’s freak-out about Devon’s parents coming for Thanksgiving was not only believable, but also hysterical and showed us a side of Sarah Lancaster that we hadn’t really seen yet. I plan on going back to see exactly how many times she said awesome in that one sequence.

Chuck seemed to hit every mark this week. And even if there are some things that I can find loopholes in, or questions about where the show is gonna go in the future, I gotta say…I really don’t care right now. I am so happy with the way this season is going that I am perfectly fine in believing every aspect of the Chuck world, from Buymoria to Spy Land. Every story line keeps me intrigued, whether my heart is pacing, my laughter is uncontrollable, or my eyes are slightly tearing up. That’s not something I can say for any other show out there.

Other moments I loved:
  • After checking: Ellie and Chuck’s conversation used the term awesome five fabulous times.
  • Ellie got a slow-mo sequence with the turkey…and the fact that she threw out a perfectly good turkey to Morgan horror.
  • Jeff tripping over his own trip wire and the goodbye between Morgan and Leseter.
  • “Unleash the Casey”
  • "You're under arrest Jill--and I'm breaking up with you"
Do you agree? Or am I caught under the Chuck spell? What are your thoughts?

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

CT, Save Pushing Daisies

With the never-ending influx of negative rumors concerning the looming cancellation of ABC's fairy-tale fantasy Pushing Daisies, I give my opinion on why the show is worth watching and why you should tune in to see what your missing. Click here to read my article.

Or click here to read the PDF version. Scroll to page 15.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CT, Grey's Unceremoniously Sends Dr. Hahn Packing

And with this post, we are finally caught up with all of my Campus Times articles thus far.

In this article I discuss how Dr. Erica Hahn was let go from the cast of Grey's Anatomy without a proper goodbye. Most people speculate that this informal departure had to do with the relationship she had been building with co-worker Callie...unethical much? Click here to read the full article.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

CT, Chuck and it's Awesomeness, Enough Said.

Short anecdote. While watching tonight's episode of Chuck, my two friends and I were literally off of our chairs, shouting at the top of our lungs while the RA knocked on the door telling us to quiet down, as we yelled shut up completely entranced by one of the best episodes of Chuck to date...but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Here is my Campus Times article about why Chuck is the best show on TV that you're probably not watching. 

And if you would prefer to read from the PDF file, click here and scroll to page 13.

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CT, PB&J: A TV Relationship that Works?

Spoiler Alert: Can Jim and Pam prove that television relationships can actually work once the unresolved tension is...well, resolved? Click here to find out

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Sunday, November 16, 2008

CT, Fall Preview: Thursdays

So here is the final installment of my fall preview that appeared in the Campus Times. I don't talk nearly enough about The Office in this article, but don't worry that will be made up for later. I spend most of the time discussing what Smallville has been doing wrong for the past few seasons. I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised this season (probably due to my extreme low expectations). Enjoy the end of the fall television lineup here

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Friday, November 14, 2008

CT, Fall Preview: Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Continuing with the fall lineup, I present my take on Tuesday and Wednesday television shows here. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Pushing Daisies which has not been favored in the rumor-mill lately concerning its continuation on the air. Everyone turn in next Wednesday and watch to save this incredibly creative and unique television show. If the amazing sets and characters aren't enough to entice you, how about the wonderful narration by Jim Dale (narrator of the Harry Potter books on tape). Enjoy and let me know what you think!

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

CT, Fall Preview: Mondays

My next featured article is a three part Fall Preview of television shows. First we have the wonderful plethora of Monday night television. Monday night TV is what gets me through that first day back to work after a nice a relaxing weekend. Read what shows make my Mondays here.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

CT, Gossip Girl

My first ever published article in the Campus Times was actually on one of my least favorite shows, Gossip Girl. Ironic, huh? Despite my dislike for the show, many, many others are obsessed and I thought it would be a good way to grab the attention of the readers. You can find my article here. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions for future Campus Times topics.

P.S. In the future, I will also post the link for the PDF version of the Campus Times with the page number of my article in case you like reading off of a newspaper format better, or maybe the pictures just make it more fun :)

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hi. I'm Becky and I'm a TV Addict...

A typical family dinner on a weeknight at my house: "Turn off the TV." Silence. "I said turn of the TV girls." The characters on the show continue to talk while my sister, Dad, and I exchange glances. Then things really start to heat up. My Mom would continue her lecture on how we never listen to her and how dinner is a family time and how she wants to hear about our days and our lives, etc, etc. Finally my dad would jump in, "Ok turn off the TV." Then one of us would turn it off. "Oh so you listen to him!" Then we'd hear the drama about how she feels like she gets no respect from us and we never listen to her even though she always does everything for us, etc, etc. And then, after this twenty-minute ordeal, we'd sit down to one of our many memorable family dinners.

After any lecture such as this one I remember always hearing about the idiot box. My Mom would tell us how Grandma always told her and her siblings to shut off the idiot box. Why are you watching the idiot box? The idiot box is a piece of junk. No idiot box during dinner. Sound familiar?

Well, now a full-fledged college student and living on my own, I am the proud owner of my very own idiot box (shared with my fabulous roommate). We even have an idiot box recorder. Good thing too, because I think my brain would self-destruct without it. I'm what you could call a television addict. Yes, that's right. I admit it. I'm addicted to the idiot box.

You could even say that I somewhat live through the TV shows that I watch. I go to the same bar every Monday night with the gang of How I Met Your Mother. In the same night I (reluctantly) go to the Upper East Side with a bunch of snobs and meet a bunch of people with different abilities from all over the world. But the best part of the night is heading over to the Buy More and going undercover with Chuck, Sarah, and Casey to save the world, one flash at a time. Yea, I'm a busy girl when it comes to Monday nights. Places to be, people to see. Other days of the week I head to the basement of Harvard University to learn about Fringe science, I solve murderers with a guy who brings the dead back to life and bakes pies, I play pranks on Dwight with Jim and Pam while not selling Dunder Mifflin paper, I save lives with the doctors at Seattle-Grace Hospital, and save...well not the world, but Metropolis, with...well not Superman, but Clark Kent. Clearly, life without Tivo would be like me living in my own personal hell. 

So, why start a blog? It was my Mom's idea. Since arriving at school I have started writing for the Campus Times. I basically just write about whatever I want that has to do with television...that's the life, eh? I'm insanely jealous of those people that actually get paid for that sort of thing. So here's some things I plan on including:
  • All of my Campus Times articles
  • Thoughts about shows (on the air) that I'm watching
  • Thought about shows that I'm watching on DVD or shows that I love that are no longer on the air (which I have many of and never get to write about)
  • Occasionally some random stuff--good movies, good books, etc.
Now the key word was that these are the things I plan on including. Chances are I won't actually get to update this as often as I would really like to, but you can generally count on it at least once a week. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think, if there's another show I should be watching, or any other thoughts you may have! In the mean time, keep watching that idiot box!

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